VIDEO: Audiencia CIDH Caso 12.792 Asesinato Francisco Jose Garica Valle, esposo de María Luisa Acosta
V I D E O : E l I m p a c t o d e l a L e y N o . 8 4 0 e n l o s P u e b l o s I n d i g e n a s y A f r o d e s c e n d i e n t e s d e N i c a r a g u a , D r a . M a r i a L u i s a A c o s t a
V I D E O : T a l l e r s o b r e l a L e y N o . 4 4 5 c o n l a c o m u n i d a d c r e o l e d e | B l u e f i e l d s
This impactful documentary follows the extraordinary journey of Jayne Gaskin and her family, who sought a new life on a Nicaraguan island in the Pearl Cays. Without knowing that the land they bought was not available for purchase according to Nicaraguan law (laws 28, 445 and Article 180 of Nicaragua’s Constitution), because it belongs to the Indigenous and afrodescendant peoples of the Pearl Lagoon community as collective property, that cannot be bought, sold nor donated. #CALPI#LandRights#NoGoingBack#HumanRightsAdvocacy#Channel4Documentary#StandWithLocalPeople#DefendLandRights